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Showing posts from January, 2021

College Fests-The All Important Event For Things Related To Youth

College Fests are becoming important these days with each college trying to outdo others in size and significance. These fests are important events for anyone who has merchandise or services for the youth. These Fests see a lot of youngsters coming from different parts of the city to attend and thus a good amount of footfall is assured. College fests are happening in small towns and big and booking a stall or shop in such events may be difficult if the seller/shopkeeper does not know all the details and how to book a space. Pop Up Space arranges stalls or shops for businessmen and has emerged as one-stop-shop for all stall/shop related needs. College fests usually range between one and two days and have a number of activities lined up. The youth gets plenty of time to look at what is available at the stalls and buy or recommend to friends and family. Flea market Bangalore Stalls at college fests are usually available t affordable prices. Shopkeepers can come whi