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Showing posts from November, 2019

How To Use Public Relation To Promote Your Event

Public relation is an important part of any event nowadays and it is increasingly getting necessary. There are many events happening these days at any given point of time and you need to publicize your event so that you get maximum participation from the people.  pop up space Public relations means sending out pre and post event press release to the media, touch basing with your chief guest etc at regular intervals and ensuring that people are aware that your event is taking place in the city. Public relations also mean inviting the media persons for the event and then ensuring they carry the news items in their publications or new channels.  Exhibitions in Bangalore The role of the public relations officers start much before the event and goes on even after the event is over. The public relations officer needs to collect the clippings of the newspapers in which his or her events news has appeared and then make use of it in the next event. Posted by Amit Kumar

Lifestyle Exhibitions In Bangalore Are A Good way To Sell Your Stuff

Lifestyle exhibitions in Bangalore are very popular and people from neighboring cities sometimes come and buy stuff in Lifestyle exhibition in Bangalore . These have become especially popular in recent times and draw huge crowds. They sell everything related to lifestyle and fashion. This means the modern things are sold through Lifestyle exhibitions in Bangalore. Pop Up Store The people of Bangalore like to go to events and purchase stuff. If the thing is trendy then they like to pay handsomely for it also. If you are seller of a merchant and want to sell your stuff at Lifestyle exhibitions in Bangalore and want to make money quickly, then just log onto and then book the stall that you want. You will find all the information and details of any event in Bangalore on this site and then payments can be made for the shop. posted by Amit kumar